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Monday, December 14, 2009


Theory of Bio-Energy.

Bio-Energy - Complimentary Medicine.
(Alternative Medicine) of the Future.                                

Bio-Energy is considered to be beneficial for most medical and psychological problems. It is a form of complimentary medicine (alternative medicine) based on an ancient theory that all illnesses are caused by a disturbance to the flow of energy within the body.
According to bio-energy theory there are seven main energy centers in the body and energy flows into the body from the environment. This energy circulates within the body between these energy centers via a system of channels similar to blood vessels and it flows back into the environment again. These channels are referred to as meridians in Acupuncture and nadis in Ayurvedic Medicine in India. The bio-energy is referred to as "chi" in Chinese Medicine and as "prana" in Ayurvedic Medicine. Bio-energy is in a state of continuous flow throughout the body and the channels can be mapped out by measuring the variations in electrical skin resistance.
Even Western Medicine recognizes that disturbances to the flow of energy is indicative of an illness and records the flow of electrical energy within the body. Western doctors records electrical activity of the heart by Electrocardiography (ECG), electrical activity of the brain by Electroencephalography (EEG), and electrical activity of the muscles by Electromyography (EMG). There is also electrical activity in other organs and parts of the body.
This flow of bio-energy within the body creates a magnetic field around the body referred to as the aura. When there is a disturbance to the flow of bio-energy such as a blockage, depletion or an oversupply of energy to one part of the body, it manifests as an illness at a later date. This disturbance to the bio-energy flow can be detected even before an illness starts by scanning the magnetic field of the patient.
A bio-energy therapist is able to diagnose a disturbance to the flow of bio-energy by scanning the energy field of the patient using a series of hand movements. The therapist is then able to correct this energy imbalance by manipulating the energy, using another series of hand movements. Therapy is carried out over four consecutive days and each session lasts about half an hour. As the treatment is being carried out, many patients report feelings of heat, tingling, coolness, or a pulling sensation. These are subjective aspects of bio-energy balancing and release taking place within the body.
The Bio-Energy does not even have to touch the patient and there are no medications to take. There may be slight worsening of the condition after the third day of the treatment, which is an important part of the healing process and is usually, a good sign indicating a return to health.
Bio-energy can be a complimentary therapy (alternative therapy) to any other medical treatment or therapy the patient may be having and the patients are advised not to stop or change their medications without consulting their doctor. Bio-Energy Therapy is also preventative because a bio-energy imbalance may be corrected before it manifests as an illness. To receive the full benefit of Bio-Energy it is important to attend therapy on four consecutive days.
A simple demo with the Bio-Life Card.:
- first ask your friend to put their hand at the back and interlock with their finger,
- then you stand at the back and press down slowly with your strength, ask them to fight back while   you press down,
- let them feel the strength they can resist, then make a call to your friend with their hand phone in their pocket,
- repeat the same demo again, this time there will be much different as phone ring will effect their energy,
- make sure they can feel the different, then put our Energy card in their pocket, repeat the demo with the phone ring,
- this time our Energy card will restore their energy back like before a hand phone ring,
- after they feel the effect, they will notice the energy will help us in many ways..a lots of testimony readily available online.

Its Proven!!!

Watch the video below !

Watch the latest video of Bio-energy product interviewed and testimonial
(Video in Bahasa Malaysia)

Demo Video


Testimonial Video


Revolutionary Bio-Energy Life Card from the volcanoes
of Japan.

~Your Family Health Card~

Teori Bio-energy:

Tenaga adalah sesuatu yang berterusan dan abadi tetapi ia boleh dilakukan transformasi (pengubahan). Sewaktu tempoh pengubahan ini, sebahagian daripada tenaga akan ditukar kepada haba bagi mengekalkan keseimbangannya. Haba yang terhasil kemudiannya mesti disebarkan menerusi proses seperti pancaran (emission) atau radiasi dan sebahagiannya ditukar kepada tenaga.

Tubuh manusia terdiri daripada 60 trilion (ribu bilion) sel iaitu satu fenomena asas kehidupan manusia. Perlakuan dan aktiviti manusia memerlukan tenaga. Sumber utama tenaga terbit daripada tenaga yang terhasil menerusi aktiviti ATP dalam air (cellular water).
Sel tubuh yang baru berupaya meningkatkan metabolisma yang meningkatkan kecekapan fungsi ATP.

Sewaktu proses pengeluaran semula tenaga dan pencernaan zat, bahan buangan toksid dihasilkan. Bahan buangan toksid yang tidak baik untuk kesihatan akan seterusnya dihapuskan menerusi proses pernafasan, perpeluhan, dan perkumuhan (membuang air kecil dan besar) menerusi sistem organ tubuh. Oleh itu, nafas orang yang sihat biasanya segar kerana air kencing mereka jernih dan bersih dan najis mereka lembut.

Produk Bio-Energy merupakan satu medium tenaga berasaskan galian. Ia mempunyai ciri sinergi. Ia berupaya menyerap tenaga haba dan dengan serta-merta mengubah tenaga tersebut kepada bio-tenaga. Bio-tenaga mampu meningkatkan aktiviti molekul-molekul air dalam organ tubuh. Ini akan membawa kebaikan kepada fungsi metabolik tubuh, memperbaiki sistem edaran darah dan seterusnya membantu mencapai fungsi penjagaan kesihatan holistik.

Sinaran ultra-ungu (ultra-violet rays) adalah satu-satunya tenaga semulajadi yang mampu diserap oleh tubuh manusia menerusi tisu kulit yang menukarnya kepada vitamin D. Oleh itu, tenaga alam maya (cosmic energy) yang lain hanya boleh diserap oleh tubuh menerusi medium (perantara) yang lain.

Produk Bio-Energy, melalui kesan sinerginya, menyerap gelombang elektromagnetik bio-tenaga bagi tujuan ini. Kajian-kajian telah membuktikan bahawa tenaga ini berupaya menstrukturkan molekul air kepada gugusan-gugusan (himpunan molekul) yang lebih kecil. Dengan ini, berlaku peningkatan fungsi bio-kimia yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti air dalam tubuh dan memperkuatkan fungsi metabolik benda bernyawa. Tubuh manusia terdiri daripada 65-70% air dan oleh itu, air memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia.

Contoh yang paling jelas, apabila badan kita mempunyai cukup tenaga, kita akan berasa sihat dan kuat, tetapi bila kita sakit atau demam, badan kita akan menjadi lemah dan tenaga akan berkurangan. Dengan adanya kad Bio-Energy ini, tenaga akan dapat dikekalkan dan sistem pertahanan badan akan menjadi lebih kuat. 

Bio-energy Life Card berfungsi sebagai.:
- Menambahkan tenaga & keceriaan.
- Melindungi dari bahan Radio Aktif.
- Menguatkan tenaga batin.
- Menguatkan sistem pertahanan badan.
- Mengurangkan tekanan.
- Dapat tidur nyenyak dan tidak berdengkur.
- Mengekalkan daya ingatan.
- Membuatkan minda cerdas & memberi daya tumpuan yang tinggi.
- Membaikpulih ketenangan mental.
Cara pengunaan.:
Anda tidak perlu memakan produk ini, HANYA membiarkan 'Life Card' berada di sisi anda, samada digantung sebagai 'tag' di leher, disimpan dalam poket baju atau seluar anda, asalkan di sisi anda. Pilihan 1 lagi ialah, sentuhkan pada gelas minuman selama beberapa saat dan minumlah ‘energized water’ tersebut untuk kesan yang lebih baik. Kad ini TIDAK mempunyai kesan sampingan dan tidak ada tarikh luput. Kesan penggunaan kad ini akan dapat dirasai serta merta. Cubalah sendiri… Memang MENAKJUBKAN!
(Peringatan untuk yang berugama Islam, produk ini hendaklah dianggap sebagai asbab sebagai penyembuhan penyakit dan memberi tenaga. Ditegah menjadikan produk ini sebagai tangkal.)




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